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SPP Partners With UNIC Nigeria, GECCI To Discuss Outcome Of Cop26 With Nigerian Youths

The Society for Planet and Prosperity (SPP) is supporting the Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative (GECCI) in the organization of Nigeria youths post COP26 conference across the Six geo-political zones of Nigeria with the theme “Outcome of COP26 and where do we go from here”. GECCI is organizing the event in collaboration with the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) Nigeria (Host). The first of the series was held in Port Harcourt (South South) while the second series will be holding at the Federal University of Technology (FUTA), Akure (South West) January 22, 2022 in collaboration with Elomgreenie and Environmental Conservation Club, FUTA with other series already planned for the remaining geo-political regions of Nigeria.

 The conference is expected to bring together participants from government and non-profit organizations, the private sector, members of academia, and civil society organizations, it will provide better understanding of the different environmental issues affecting the different regions of Nigeria and encourage inclusiveness, It will also create a unique opportunity to hear leading experts, including those who attended COP26 in person share experience and respond to questions and a platform to give special recognition to Green Actors with awards of excellence.

According to the CEO, GECCI, Dr. Abdulhamid Tahir Hamid, the conference is expected to achieve the following key objectives: To gain a better understanding of the COP26 outcome and what it means for Nigeria’s climate policy and economic development; develop a roadmap for the domestication of the outcome of COP26; Empowering youth to explore innovative ideas to tackle development challenges; creating an Opportunity for Joint Reflection of Key Stakeholders and Experts on the Outcome of COP26 and the Implications for Nigeria; Develop an Implementation Roadmap for National Climate Actions that will Leverage the Opportunities for Just Green Transition that were Created at COP 26 while Strengthening Nigeria’s Resilience Against Climate Change; Providing youth with the tools to build and engage in impactful projects while Identifying interest in opportunities for capacity development, partnerships, and further action.

Society for Planet and Prosperity is committed to promoting climate action and climate advocacy. SPP is also committed to advancing the course for effective implementation of the Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and facilitating resilient and green recovery approach for a just transition to net zero. SPP is being represented at the South West conference by Gboyega Olorunfemi on the panel alongside eminently qualified panelists. The keynote speech for the South West conference will be delivered by Professor Ahmed Balogun of the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, FUTA while the event will be moderated by Kayode Ojeola of Elomgreenie club, FUTA.

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